Part 17: Episode XVII: Grand Papillon - Friend of All Children!
Episode XVII: Grand Papillon - Friend of All Children!.jpg)
Yuri and the gang... aren't quite sure to make of all this new nonsense. But they aren't given too long to dwell on it, because...

Music: Vicious 1915 ~ Battle in Europe
It's immediately time to take on Grand Papillon!! I'm contractually obligated by NJPW to add the two exclamation marks when addressing Grand Papillon!! This burly goofball is a 355 HP packing Earth elemental enemy.

Related: "Papillon" just means "butterfly." Hence the mask he is wearing and all... But while double checking because my French is atrocious at best, I found it is ALSO a French breed of toy spaniels having a long, silky coat and large, erect ears held so they resemble the wings of a butterfly. So that's fun to learn.
To counter this Earth class wrestler, we'll have Yuri give the Malakia Fusion a trial run.
From there, we'll have him use Howling a 7-hit Wind elemental spell that... is making donuts. That's like a fifth of his health gone in one turn.
While we're there, we'll have Karin use her Sword Arts...
...and Blanca with his Soul Comet. Both of those Combo with Howling pretty well if we want a bit of extra damage alongside Yuri's attacks.
Meanwhile, we can have Gepetto pitch in with support in buffing Yuri's Special Attack Power with Surge. Not that he really needs it, but hey. Buffs are fun!

You may have noticed Grand Papillon!! hasn't been mentioned much yet. That is because he is S-L-O-W as far as turns go. As in he got like three this entire fight... and the third turn was mostly from fluffing about to see his abilities. He DOES hit like a truck for this point in the game though, doing in excess of around 50 HP of damage in a combo which includes suplexing his coffin on someone's head. Poor Gepetto in this case.
But that's fine. Remember, we gave Gepetto a cure spell and that more or less instantly negates any damage the early portion of the game. We'll have him on heal support the rest of this brisk fight.
Grand Papillon's only other ability, after he takes a sufficient amount of damage, is Drain Touch which does a comparable amount of damage as his main combo. However this one...
...heals him for the same amount of damage. Thankfully, he only seems to utilize this once. It's worth noting that this was also the default ability of Shadow Hearts 1's bored vampire party member, Keith Valentine. Hmm...

In any event, that's about all there is to the Grand Papillon battle. Those muscles are impressive but you are against a guy that punched out a god. And go completely de-leveled, but that's beside the point.

Music: Result ~ Victory

Yuri points to the Wrestlemania sign following his victory against Grand Papillon!!

NEW Music: Gathering God ~ Thrill (Theme of This Game Might be Way More Goofy Than Its Predecessors.)
Following his defeat, Grand Papillon transforms into a... golden bat... Wait...


The Golden Bat flies off into the night.


The next day...

Music: Town of Twilight ~ European Town

Cole approaches Yuri and the others.


As Cole the Vigilante Leader asked, we need to cross Le Havre again to the south end. Where...

The party looks toward the bar at the end of the area.

A door opens.

A large, blonde dreadlocked man and a couple of children exit the tavern and converse.


Cole and the Mayor split the scene.

Yuri starts walking toward Grand Papillon.


Music: ENDS. The party enters the tavern.



The door opens behind Yuri and Karin.

A short while later...

Music: Memories of Melodies ~ Peace






Music: Town of Twilight ~ European Town
We can take a brief look around the nicely detailed for a PS2 game Mouette de mer. But there's nothing to be done here other than a brief chat with Granny Lot. Also learning here name is Granny Lot, I suppose.

Thus, we trek once more across the port city's three map screens to find the Mayor and his entire goon entourage hanging out in front of their mansion. That's probably not a great sign.


Music: Vicious 1915 ~ Battle in Europe
Time to take on two Fat Thugs and three standard addition Thugs. They have 38 HP and 41 HP respectively. Don't worry about their elements.
In theory, if left alone these thugs can form up for massive combos against a single target by... well, just kind of smacking them with a 2x4 piece of wood several times in a row. But they manage some crazy air combos doing it.
In practice, the party effortlessly curbstomps the lot of them before they can even act.

Music: Result ~ Victory

Karin, this quote and your outfit... I'm just saying. You can't have it both ways. I'm barely scrubbing footage I recorded for screenshots and I already have it ingrained you also are wearing bright blue panties under the rest of that awful outfit because it's there every instant you animate. Why are you like this?

Music: Vicious 1915 ~ Battle in Europe

Gepetto, Karin, and Yuri leave the scene.
Blanca stays behind briefly to tell them what for!
Guy without a character portrait vows revenge. This will definitely go his way if he tries.
Now that we have left the Vigilante Group via acing like two-thirds of the local mafia thugs on the way out the door, everyone has another round of refreshed dialogue on our way back to Joachim and Granny Lot.




A short while later. Granny Lot comes running up to the group.

Also helping: Our newest party member -- Joachim!
Now that we have more than four party members, we need to start deciding who will be on the active party. It's none too useful right now but Shadow Hearts: Covenant actually lets the player assign up to three different teams of party members as the situation warrants that can be quickly swapped from the (between battle) menu. For now, both Joachim and Yuri and mandatory members of the party. Karin and Blanca will also be joining us for the next stretch of the game. Sorry, Gepetto. You're just too damn fragile HP wise right now. Blanca is going to be inheriting your support role duties.
By the way, our new large boy here is Joachim Valentine. Yes, he was the Golden Bat from the character sidequest of Shadow Hearts 1's endgame. Yes, he is also Keith Valentine's brother. One through-line of all three Shadow Hearts game is having a Valentine sibling party member. Also, by the way, he's a vampire. His sole MUSCLE ART at the moment is the Drain Touch we saw during the mid-boss fight against his Grand Papillon persona. It's a 20 MP HP drain. Joachythms another ability we yet to have access to at the moment.
Joachim also comes with some unique (at the moment) equipment. Like this giant piece of timber meant to look like a huge coffin as his melee weapon. Joachim has a... unique class of weapons that are itself its own sidequest. That's getting ahead of us...
Heavy Metal manifested way earlier in the Shadow Hearts timeline and Joachim is at the forefront annihilating people in mosh pits.
Also, a bracelet to prevent paralysis. Nobody likes to see a botched wrestling move except in Youtube compilations.
That all said, that concludes our time in the first visit to Le Havre. Tune in next time as our adventures continue to France's Wine Cellar. They just have one huge one in this universe. Don't ask... As Shadow Hearts: Covenant continues!

That was a short chapter but a LOT did happen, really. So...

The kid from ICO grew up rough.
Perhaps the darkest monster entry of all.
To be fair, Yuri just stood and stared into the middle distance during that whole sidequest. Although, Keith WAS introduced with a greedy mayor trying to steal treasure from a widow lady...
Since that's what you want to see when you go to a bar. Orphans.
Wait... Is Grand Papillon her Stand...?
He lost both his parents and a character portrait in the war. Seriously, he's like one of the only Characters entries that doesn't get one. What an unloved cretin of an orphan.

Video: Episode 17 Highlight Reel (You should watch Grand Papillon!! in action!)

Fat Thug Concept Art - What it says on the label...